SO what do I DO? And how CAN I help you?
Well the deal is this. I don't actually 'help' you.
Instead I assist you to help yourself.
As a life coach who FACILITATES, I never ever ever tell you what to do...
Rather I guide you and invite you to what YOU know and allow you to see other choices you may not have considered or even thought possible...
Sound good? Then read on...
I work in a variety of areas - so take a look below to see which areas in your life you are looking to create change in..

As a relationship coach I assist you to actually CREATE your relationships.
So this may be existing relationships you may be looking to improve or strengthen, or else new ones you are looking to create.
And this applies to all types of relationships, not just the 'love' kind.
I will invite you to some new ways of thinking about relationships and give you practical tools for change.
What if relationship could be done differently?
Book a session via Skype, Phone or in Person.
One day workshops, an e-book and also a telecall series will be soon available on this topic.

Money seems to be one of those topics that everyone has a point of view about.
And there are many who claim to be 'experts' on money who really have no idea.
What if creating and receiving money could be simpler? What if you could take the STRESS out of your money situation and actually start to function from abundance rather than lack?
Or... perhaps you have a business that requires some fine-tuning and a change in the way you manage things?
The practical tools you will learn and the facilitation you will receive in this area applies to all types of businesses, no matter the size of the business or whether it is just run by you or there are many employees.
Book a session via Skype, telephone or in person.
There will also be an upcoming one day workshop on this subject in the very near future.

What if there is life beyond separation?
And what if there is a different choice beyond the trauma and drama often associated with separation?
You may be recently separated or divorced, or else going through this, considering separation or else looking to possibly change things so that separation is not required...
We will together look at how to do separation DIFFERENTLY.
You will be given practical tools and also facilitation that will allow you to change the way the separation process proceeds, and also how to create your life AFTER separation or divorce.
Or it may be that we do facilitation so that you are able to view your relationship differently and not necessarily choose separation.
This overlaps the area of relationship and so the telecall series I will be creating may also be relevant.
Book a session via Skype, telephone or in person
There will also be an upcoming one day workshop on this subject in the very near future, plus a telecall series also.

Not sure what your life is about? Time for a change in your career path?
Or had enough of just 'surviving' and looking to create a career or job or business that you truly love?
Welcome to a different possiblilty for your life. Together we will work to find ways to change your career.
Or to create a totally new one. Or several different ones. The choices are there - it's just that perhaps you haven't seen them.
Let's explore this for you!! Book a session via Skype, telephone or in person please click here...

Have you tried many different regimes or diets or ways of living and still found you didn't feel healthy?
What if there is a totally different way of BEing with your body?
Where you get back in touch with your body and what IT knows?
Rather than projecting onto it what your mind THINKS it needs...?
At the age of 21 I returned from travelling the world a very sick young lady. I had to learn to get back in touch with my body.
Listen to it. Honour it. Trust it.
I wish I had known then what I know now about bodies, and how easy it can be to change things...
Join me for an initial private session to see what else is possible for you and your body.
If the body can create it, then it can also UNcreate. I've seen it so many times over the last few years.
Would you like to learn how?
You may also like to check out the bodywork I do as it can also be an amazing contribution to body awareness...

Over the last 24 years I have trained in a variety of bodywork techniques and modalities. In a typical bodywork session I will have a bit of a chat with you to get a sense of what is going on for you and your body.
Following from there I will use the techniques required for your body based on more of an awareness of what it requires.
One of the things that I do is use the Access Bars® and also the Access Body Processes® to create change for the body.
Combining these more energetic techniques with the more physical techniques has proven to be a bit of a winning formula.
What would it be like to be in touch with your body again?
To listen to it and know what it requires, so that it can respond with greater health and vitality.
Book an appointment here....