So you may be recently separated or else going through separation or
considering separation.
Been there done that. In fact my husband and I both DECIDED we were
done. Like that Gweneth Poltrow concept ‘uncoupling’. We even did a
high 5 as we handed in the papers for our separation. And I also know
it’s not always that smooth – and yet it can be.
What if there is a different choice beyond the trauma and drama often
associated with separation?
What if you didn’t HAVE to create problems and hatred in order to
separate? What if you just CHOSE?
And what if there is so much more to LIFE afterwards?
This 4 part telecall series is designed for you to jump in on this
conversation and see what else is possible for you. No matter whether
you are separated or about to separate or just considering it.
It will give you clarity about your choices and assist you in the process.
You will be facilitated and provided tools to get beyond wherever you
are at, so that you can create something different. So that you can be
happy. So that can be at ease again. Phew!!
What if now is the time?
Dates: July 27 and August 3, 10 & 17
US$225 (PayPal)
Or AUD$300 (if you are in Australia)
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